Our theme song

Craig Humphrey gifts us with the following:

Lacuna Matata! What a wonderful !
Lacuna Matata! Ain’t no passingIt means for the rest of your days

It’s our philosophy

Lacuna Matata!

Lacuna Matata?

Yeah. It’s our !

What’s a ?

Nothing. What’s with you?

Those two words will solve all your .

4 thoughts on “Our theme song

  1. Despite tagging this with the “silliness” tag, I think this is actually quite profound and probably needs to go on a t-shirt.

  2. I love it! We should all wear t-shirts and shout it from the roof tops (if only we could be heard!) 🙂

  3. Let’s not get carried away with this t-shirt talk. Try it on a tank-top first. You know, see who salutes…

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