In the midst of my daily reading, I noticed a link reading “Artists who died in 2007”. Given recent debates on the subject of art, I gleefully clicked away hoping to find more grist for the mill. Much to my dismay, a quick perusal revealed disclaiming language referring to the contents as “…the artists, entertainers and pop culture figures who died in 2007.”
Given the additional categorization, I quickly lost interest. Instead, I pose the following, far more interesting question (to be answered by more interesting people): “Who are your candidates for a list of top 5 living artists?” Inclusion may be based on any number of factors:
- the quantity of produced product qualifying (in the nominator’s eye) as art
- the overall percentage or product qualifying as art
- their production of art (however infrequently) that is so moving, earthshattering, trancendant, or whatever that it bears inclusion
- some criteria far less mundane than those presented here
I dare not define for each of you either what qualifies as art or encourages your inclusion of the artist. Rather I challenge you to present your respective lists, and more importantly, explain your choices. If you are feeling particularly chippy, provide a themed list…