On the seeming looseness of it all

To many of us, it may seem that we’re going down a fuzzy road to nowhere. What is all this “explore x” and “discuss y“? Why doesn’t someone just pick a play and let’s do it?

We lucked up with Mame in pulling together a cast in which there were no weak links and everyone seemed to understand without being told what we were doing. What we’re trying to do here is to take luck out of the equation by forming an ensemble: a group of actors who speak the same language.

That doesn’t mean that we all have to use the same strategies, tools, or preparations in what we do. It doesn’t even mean we all have to agree. What it does mean is that all of us can understand the different ways we all work, and there will be some commonalities of approach, since we will all work together.

It may also be a little scary/frustrating/puzzling that we don’t seem to have a clear path. Relax and trust us: this is one of those “the journey is more fun than the destination” situations. Something good will come of it. We will get somewhere. In fact, we’re going to go lots of places.