4 thoughts on “Coriolanus IV.4

  1. Not to break the thread, but I am in the process of carefully going through the play and I must admit it there is a lot of power there. I can see why Dale wants to use all men.

    My initial reaction actually was a personal one, As Coriolanus would not act like he was supposed to, and bow to the will of the people, as a disabled person I won’t use my disabilities to gain advantages as I’ve seen some do.

    One more note, If I were able I would claim the part of Menenius because of his speach in the first scene comparing the belly to the Senate. It would add some inside irony for those who know me.

  2. Oh boy. I could describe myself as a”smiling patrician” and say my favorite line: “Fie,fie. fie!

  3. In going through the play more closely I have noticed that there are a lot of lines at the end of scenes, the middle of a conversation or when people are exitiong the stage that are full of bite. Having missed that the first time through, this gives the play a much more complex feeling as it was just “macho man” stuff for me the first time through.

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