Work session, 10/28/09

present: Dale

Dale worked for 30 minutes, starting with some contact improv (only without the contact, naturally, since he was alone), and ending with some Vocal Sequence work on the phrase, “Let Merari praise the wisdom and power of the Lord with the Coney, who scoopeth the rock, and archeth in the sand.”

Then he went home.

Work session, 10/14/09

present: Jeff B., Dale

Dale hotglued the rubber tips onto the staffs. Jeff read over Dale’s scripts from last week.

We then pulled out the printout of Jubilate Agno [pdf] that Dale had brought and began playing with it. Jeff did a brilliant riff on “the box,” starting with text messages and a phone call to/from home about his violent five-year-old: “Put him the box. No, at the bottom of the bed, there’s a box, put him in it,” then moving on to haranguing the audience for being in the box, i.e., the performance space, even as Dale read interpreted Christopher Smart’s fevered, ecstatic ramblings.

Jeff then snagged a couple of pages, and we read independently. The antiphonal effect was often interesting, with phrases and ideas matching and chiming. If only we had had someone there watching and recording the good bits.

Then we sat and talked about the Lichtenbergian retreat for next weekend and how excited we were.

Plans for any performance were not discussed.

NEXT: OCT 21, 6:30, NSOD

  • TEXTS: “The Bear”; Neo-Futurist scripts; Jubilate Agno
  • PATHS: Vocal Sequence; other
  • HOMEWORK: write a Neo-Futurist piece; look over Jubilate Agno

Work session, 9/30/09

present: Marc, Dale, Jeff B, Summer

We discussed the decision last week to structure a performance around “The Bear” and some Neo-Futurist style pieces. We’ve been invited to nail down a date by NCTC, and we’re going to ask for Saturday, November 14.

An old NCTC company member, Barbara Petzen, will be in Atlanta that weekend, and we decided to cast her. What could be her objection? We also will be getting in touch with Jeff A. to rejoin us for the event.

Summer and Marc read over some of the Neo-Futurist pieces and made some suggestions of their own. Marc wants to riff on the recent Hugh Jackman/Daniel Craig YouTube kerfuffle, where they went off on a cellphone user in the house: a similar incident in a NeoFuturist house would provoke no tirade, because there’s no concentration to break. It’s all a “matter of process.”

Dale keeps thinking of the phrase “It’s a noble profession,” but hasn’t found a hook for it yet.

We ran through “On Nude Performance: B” a couple of times and began to get the hang of it. We began to function as a company, actually, putting together the stage picture and the reality that has to surround this fiction.

Brady’s MIA status was discussed. Jeff will check in with him.

NEXT: OCT 7, 6:30, NSOD

  • TEXTS: “The Bear”; Neo-Futurist scripts
  • PATHS: Vocal Sequence; other
  • HOMEWORK: write a Neo-Futurist piece

Work session, 9/23/09

present: Jeff B, Dale

Others were sick.

While Dale assembled the new rolling filing cabinet for Lacuna texts, files, books, and supplies, he and Jeff discussed getting the idea of a performance for NCTC this fall firmed up.

They decided that we can keep it very simple: “The Bear” as one half, and then 30-40 minutes of Neo-Futurist plays, about 15 or 20.

Dale suggested that we pick scripts from the Neo-Futurist book and choose some of those, both to perform and to study as models for our work. Hence, the performance would be a combination of the Neo-Futurists’ work and ours.

Jeff and Dale went through the book and tagged about a dozen scripts to begin working on.

Dale shared a new NF piece, one that is designed to alert the audience to the existence of the “Nude Performance” piece without actually, hopefully, having to perform it (although the option is there if the audience vociferously overrules “Summer’s” objections.)

NEXT: SEP 30, 6:30, NSOD

  • TEXTS: “The Bear”; Neo-Futurist scripts
  • PATHS: Vocal Sequence; other
  • HOMEWORK: write a Neo-Futurist piece

Work session, 8/26/09

present: Jeff B, Brady, Dale, Summer

Brady and Summer had their second readthrough of Jeff’s adaptation of Chekhov’s “The Bear.” This is a very very funny script.

While they were working, Dale produced “Two-Hander #1,” a Neo-Futurist script for Jeff and himself. No nudity was involved.

Afterwards, Dale went over the kinds of things we’ve been working on and laid out the long-term plan for the group.

Finally, everyone played a noise-making. Dale had brought the staffs from Coriolanus, some heavy cardboard tubes, some PVC piping, and some 2-inch-thick corrugated cardboard. Everyone banged and thumped and blew, experimenting with sounds. We wound up doing a 2 against 3 kind of beat, with three people whooshing the PVC pipes in 3 and one person thumping the cardboard in 2.

NEXT: SEP 2, 6:30, NSOD

  • TEXTS: Old Man Wind (doc), “The Bear”
  • PATHS: Vocal Sequence; Contact Improv; Story Theatre; other
  • HOMEWORK: write a Neo-Futurist piece

Work session, 8/12/09

present: Marc, Jeff B., Barbara, Dale

Our first meeting since April, and in the Newnan School of Dance’s new studios!

We have been asked to consider working with NSOD dancers to put together a performance for the next downtown Art Walk. We talked about material we could possibly put together in the five weeks before September 18. This included some Neo-Futurist pieces, a revival of “Milky Way” and/or “Two Sunflowers,” and two of our bear works, “Bear & Rabbit” and “Old Man Wind.”

At the moment, we’re focusing on developing “Old Man Wind.” We took five minutes to read over the text again and propose ways to integrate dancers into the work.

Some ideas:

  • cluster/machine, from which characters detach; music/sound created by the dancers
  • indication of the “four corners” in some way
  • use of turtle shell rattles, gourds, drums to create sound
  • use of specific colors
  • progression from noise and color to the stasis of the “young men” in the water and on to their rebirth
  • objects spoken of but embodied only by dancers in some way
  • the Old Man Wind embodied by a performer, but other characters indicated by movement
  • the use of fabric, poles, lights (LED flashlights?)

We will probably need to meet more than once a week in order to get this pulled together.

In addition to this performance piece, we are also considering an evening of pieces to be performed this fall down at NCTC in the black box: Jeff’s version of Chekhov’s “The Bear”; Turff directing Ionesco’s “The Lesson”; and a collection of Neo-Futurist works.

NEXT: AUG 19, 6:30, NSOD

  • TEXTS: Old Man Wind (doc)
  • PATHS: Vocal Sequence; Contact Improv; Story Theatre; other
  • HOMEWORK: be prepared to work the first 30 minutes on nothing but sound: vocalizations, body sounds, rattles, drums, etc.